Its always happy on the home front when we are winning races. Tracey racked up a ton this weekend. Her legs are tired from stepping up to the top step on the podium all weekend. Now we are getting a little more focused on the track when we talk about racing. Since she is a big shot now and got her Cat 1 upgrade, the crits are more of an annoyance.
This weekend stats:
8:00 started working on bikes and packing the car
11:00 Raced 5 minutes for 4th place (I needed to get in the top 5 to qualify)
3:00 home to prep for dinner
4:00 drive to Morgan hill to look at cork more confused then ever.
5:45 water the neighbors garden and pick some fruit and veggies with Tracey & Nicky (cute little Pucci lookin dress)
6:00 dinner started I fall off the little red wagon and share a fav beer from Belgium with the Queen of Proman
6:01 open first bottle of vino
7:00 call Hooptie to come over for dinner w/us-he accepts
8:00 dinner time Roasted pork studded with garlic and coated with lavender, corn, tomatoe salad, asparagus and roasted potatoes.
9:00 listen to Nick's stories about friends in the past who grew the kind, Hooptie was in his element.
10pm I say good night, T Ford manages to stay up until 11pm with Nick & Hooptie (now I know why he is on BPG, I wonder if they give free pot cards to the team as part of the package????)
4:30am alarm goes off
5:00 Departure for Esparto
7:20 Arrival in parking lot of Esparto
7:59 Mattis starts in with "is that bike legal"
8:00:30 start TT
8:10 Realize that the srm isn't working well, so is this a hole I'm going to have to dig myself out of..???
8:39:18 finish TT with a time of 38:48
9:00 Start thinking its lunchtime and dreaming of a burrito
12:00 Plug into gps in car-nearest In and Out.
1:00 Mow lawn
1:20 Fall asleep on the fancy float ass naked in the pool
3:00 Tracey home from track with like 15 gold medals (she is on to something here)
3:10 Beer time!
3:15 Another 45 min nap, this time inside with shorts on
5:00 Second beer ( Thanks to Coats droping off a couple of cool and rather large beers from Belgium) not only do they have a 8.5% kick they are supersize) yummy!
6:00 Tracey gets pretty and picks a cool place for dinner
6:15 She gets a margarita and is loaded in ten minutes
Then some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thank god for rest days on Monday!