Friday, November 30, 2007


So I got to thinking the other day.

Is buying a plastic composter bin re-cycling?

How about Bio fuel? They are usually blowin smoke out that exhaust and I think you gotta plan your route for the long road trip accordingly.

If I put paper in the shreader, then I use it to get the fire started in the fireplace is that re-cycling?

If I use all the hair from my legs and made a rug for you that re-cycling?

If I sneak a piece of wood in the re-cycle bin every now and then, is that re-cycling?

If I save wine box shippers from being thrown in the trash, and shipping vino to my parents for the holidays is that re-cycling?

If I use a Velo Promo t-shirt to wipe my chain lube off the garage floor, is that re-cycling?

If I find a full gu on the side of the road and save it for a later date, is that re-cycling???

If I use a dead turkey neck for making stock for risotto and feeding it to non meat eaters, Is that re-cycling?

If I use the left over oak hardwood flooring to start a fire in the fireplace so when my girl comes home its warm and cozy like and I might get some, is that re-cycling?

If I open the oven and let the heat warm up the room after making lasagna, is that re-cycling?

I'm trying, really I am.


Anonymous said...

"If I use a Velo Promo t-shirt to wipe my chain lube off the garage floor, is that re-cycling?"

That one is classic. How many torquise, pink, or yellow velo promo shop rags does the average Norcal racer own??

If bob kept the colors more neutral the t-shirts would get worn. I think he gets a discount on the shitty colors

veloandvino said...

I like wohlberg's..."if my car ran on t-shirts, I'd do more races"