Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Close but no cigar.

Great race! The guy who won last year, but got DQd for racing while not being registered (Dirk Pohlman) stomped away for the win in the Master's 40-44 RR today. Good for him. I finished 2nd, not for a lack of trying in the last 5 k a few times, just didn't have the juice to break it open.

Roemer put in a killer 1 k dig and had a small gap. I was cheering for him, then Dirk went, then Wire and Benitz (Last years champ). Shit, if this keeps up I'm heading to Pittsburg early..

Wire & Benitz blew up with 200m to go. I caught up to them and kept going for 2nd at that point Dirk was across the line.

Last years course was more difficult, but the best man won today for sure.

I'm super happy to have won the BAR here too, I wonder what I'll get for all that heavy breathing later tonight after a few beers.

Highlights of each day was hanging around the Towle & Todd Gogo show. Those guys are great, from start to finish, this race would have been soooo boring without them singing all day!

Tracey was awesome, just awesome! All week loving caring, supportive, couldn't ask for anything more. She was bummed about getting 3rd in a crit she woulda, coulda, shoulda won, but shes got worlds on the brain. That would be cool!

I'm very lucky.


Anonymous said...


Il Bruce said...

Now I can say, "Hey, that guy I used to know.. He got two jersies and a second at geezer nats."

A great excuse for a couple of toasts.

I glad to see you do so well. You have developed from a punk college kid (like the rest of us) into a real gentleman. A lot of guys are good riders, not too many pull off the double of being a gentleman too.



cxwrench said...

Great job, i could never imagine have a run of races like that! Have fun at the track!

Ron Castia said...

Sorry man, I let you down and didn't sip the wine last night.
I had a glass of that special vintage the night before both of your victories.

Don't worry though, I am on it for Worlds! Just let me know how I can purchase another jug of the juice.

veloandvino said...

M&D-glad its over. Been to long to be away from home. see you in CA.

Bruce-your a class act, I'm still a punk that rides pretty fast. Thanks.

CX- you comin down, Proman needs a few dudes to help them with the tent:) I'll bring beer.

Ron- If you could drink a case before worlds that would be great.


Tracey pointed out my number was 1012.

To us= 1st, 1st, and 2nd.

I'd like 101 for worlds.

Team TWENTY12 said...

awesome Michael - no triple crown but bloody close, bring jerseys to track on sat (and beer)

banks said...

Two out of a possible three is fantastic. And second in the RR is still very impressive. I'm very happy for you. Congratulations.

Now go kick some Euro ass.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank goodness, you ARE human. God status would be too much pressure. Although you winning the crit. almost gets you there - freak'n climbers!

Incredible run Hutch!

See you at the track,

Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

12 freakin' seconds, eh? I bow down to you, and as others have said, you're a gentleman and one hell of a rider. You and tracey are both very lucky! congratulations.

Secundus said...

Still in awe... of your ability, your family love, your spirit and for "all that heavy breathing later tonight after a few beers". The mind goes places maybe it shouldn't... .

Super job and it couldn't have gone much better!

norcalcyclingnews.com said...

at least you have something to shoot for next year.

Anonymous said...

Mike, Nice to see you go so well. I was rootin for ya. Always nice to see the jerseys come back to Nor Cal. Lates, Rich Maile

veloandvino said...

Pro chica-beer & jersey's are ready.

Banks- will do.

Velo Gal- your very sweet! and done great things for gals on bikes!
DDT-always thanks, I remember when you used to get pissed when I would show up on tri bars 10 years ago...who knew???
OV-Bears & beers-you gotta go get you some bars!
Rich-thanks for checking in.
