Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In the Hood-BJM takes the day and the jersey!

Cliff notes:

Stage 2
Me 22nd
Kyle 43rd

Kyle 29th
Me 38th

Here are some details from His and Her racing here at Hood:

110 miles
91 degrees
6000+ft of climbing
145 riders started/40 or so of us finished together
25 mph avg.

9 water bottles
5 gu's
3 cliff bars
2 cliff blocks

Today was a hot day at the races. A break got 13 1/2 minutes on the field when Health Net started the chase. I did have a chance to talk to Nathan O'Neill today, he was totally cool asked about Team Spine. Then the Healthy Net train started going full speed, its a beautiful thing this bike racing. Health Net, Priority, Navigators, and Toy United were all riding single file for like 3 hrs. I was just happy to be hiding in the bunch looking for shelter. Then on the last lap the attacks started and the field broke into three. Lucky for me I jumped on Mattis and the Berry train helped keep me in the front group. I was coming into the sprint and thought I was in Ok position and would give her a go to the line as downhill sprints are sometimes less about sprinting and more about gearing and timing. Kyle my Spine Teammate was also in the lead group and I was wondering if he was around..then on my right side two Fruit Cakes from the Fiorefruita or how ever you spell or say a frinkin Blue Angel and take each other out at 40mph...I had to shut it down and roll in for a 20th or so..better then yesterdays 60th.
BJM won and I'm sure he called AJM to tell him the good news and due to the time bonus he will be flying the Full Sail leaders jersey in the AM. Also wanted to thank BJM for the bottle today when I was running low on the H2O. Good guy helping out the old dudes.

There were a few crashes, Jesse Andy did a nose wheelie and had some chasing to do for the rest of the day. Kenny Williams will be riding one of Andy Stones loaners. Hope that's the end of the crashing for the year.

I have to thank Tracey for getting me a co-pilot for the trip. Courtenay and I chatted the entire way and the Value Act chic's are kicking some serious butt--two stages in two days!! Studs!

The always smiling Bev Harper from Webcor who is one of the happiest people on planet earth ripped a great Prologue as always. She has a gift for the TT thing and she was flying, then dropped a chain got off fixed it and came in the top 15...just imagine where she would have finished....she would have beat me fore sure:)

Felicia Gomez had a strong TT too, man she has helped my love life more then she knows thanks to that gel stuff she recommended to Tracey:)

I do have to thank Elise and Marcel my west family for the perfect feeds all day.


Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

the gel stuff?

veloandvino said...

yup,,,its like a foam liner made of gel to take care of those special part