Friday, May 25, 2007

Boulder or bust!

I've had a great week here in Denver, now today its me time! After a week of selling Igloos to Eskimos finally I'm free to go for a long solo ride and wander on some new roads for the entire day. I've got some great friends here and they put me up for the week. Much nicer then looking at 4 hotel walls and bad TV.

Speaking of bad TV, I've been watching the EPO rats coming out of the sewers spillin their guts..Mr. 60 % should have some interesting things to say. Its funny how all the directors have achieved their success with tell their riders do as I say...wink...wink...not as I do.

Tyler the Liar- it all came down to a sharpie...someone didn't have one when they were marking bags of blood.

Landis-he was taught to do dirty things from the best of them.

Armstrong-its getting closer...maybe before the tour we'll all have some big news.

After Papp, I wonder and have my own theories on who's up to no good here in the old USA.


Anonymous said...

hey mike jeff m here. i'm going to take photo's and start my blog when i get back from europe. i arrived to sf with a broken shimano left-hand shifter on my 1st voyage with the breakaway and a clear blue-sky-day in SF!
Off I went to Lombardi Sports who could not help. they sent me to big swinging cycles and this guy ian styled me out- alas, the shifter was still broken. anyway, leave tommw for europa- did the la grange ride yesterday up nichols canyon here in LA and finished in the 2nd group- not too bad. we'll roll when i'm back ! Best, JM

veloandvino said...

bummer!!! i don't carry a spare one of those.

have a great trip.
