Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Giro shrinkage.

Its tougher and tougher to watch the Giro this year on TV. I did get to see a stage on VS yesterday and was back looking for more today...no luck on VS or RAI. I remember a few years back when there was less news about drugs and more about racing. Now it seems quite different. There was that one year when the Giro, TdF, & Vuelta were on live every morning, I think that was the year they did the drug raids in Italy and the stage was canceled..oh yhea then there was the day Marco got the boot when he was in Pink.

It makes me wonder if all the dopers have finally fucked up the sport for good and sponsors want nothing to do with risking being in the limelight, and getting kicked to the sidelines in the leaders jersey . Considering what happened in Spain last year right before the TdF with Basso and the other leaders I can't blame them and then with Landis...wtf.

TV seems to have turned the lights out on the Giro while the Drs will be doing night checks on the riders. I'm wondering when the drug raids will happen this year at the Giro????

The saddest part is what they are doing to the younger generation. I remember when my parents were worried about beer, pot, x....parents now might need to be worried about EPO, HGH, steroids, etc..


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