So Tracey says a few months ago she likes owls, well thanks to xmas we now have an owl box hanging up in our back yard. That was pretty interesting putting that bugger 15 ft off the ground. I even had the girl on the chainsaw which was a first and a last. I'm not sure who was more afraid. I must be getting older, not wiser, just older -because I was thinking that someone was going to get hurt. We both had a chuckle post owl box mounting, phew.
Then it was time for xmas dinner. Crab, crab and Champagne. yum
You are a hoot!! Tracey looks like she's ready for the feast. Nice work. Look forward to seeing both of you. And.......super proud that you are still together....We're coming up on our Early Bird Anniversary, you know!! Smile.
What kind of owls are you hoping to attract?
I don't care, just hope to get a barn, screech, or something. What do you think the chances are???
I dunno the chances of attracting owls, but offering them a house without a mortgage sounds like a good start. Maybe they would appreciate some mice to play with.
chances are slim like me, but we do have a few mice around for them to play with.
LG- may just have to go to one of the eb's to celebrate. and you??
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