Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lunch break..

It was a three hour tour around the hills, mtns, wandering trails I've never seen before.

Then some punk throws a Pepsi cup full of soda at me. Got me good, I flipped it in hot pursuit, but I can only pursuit so fast on a Mtn bike. Then he runs two stop lights...

Is this the week for jackasses in cars????



Holly R said...

Ew. Welcome to the long-*ssed days between Halloween and Christmas, when ordinary folk lose their damned minds.
I hate even driving my car at this time of the year. Nobody can be bothered to pay attention, or bother treating other human beings as, well, human beings. It's very sad.
Just remember: everyone gets theirs. EVERYONE. And karma has a really good sense of humor.

Velo Bella said...

I LOVE this photo!

veloandvino said...

Me too, Tracey liked the color version, I like the B&W better.

Thanks, Iphone. really

Then a little black and white.

poof. done!