Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thanks Dave Mr Piano man Stahl

Thanks Dave for the Wed ride!!!!! For over 16 years Dave has been sending out routes and showing up every Wed in Los Altos. This is my favorite ride, and the core group this season is the best so far! Dave, Bruce, Katherine the great, Yuki, Wolberg, Roger, and Erin a few others. Every week I can make it I see lots of dedicated riders, some new faces, some of the same, some I've known for years. Some just in for a week or two looking for some winter fitness from somewhere up north where the mercury stays in the single digits.
Yesterday some young couple showed up from Bend, really nice guy that rides for McDonalds and his cheery Cheerwine girlfriend with pigtails. He went up Kings pretty quick and from the sounds of his cracked BB and the steam coming out of his pussotron he should have a great year in Europe racing. Then we got to chattin and I had a chuckle when he said "some mid-aged pros" me that's like 35-40 right, nope, I was off by 10-15 years. Oh well, I'll keep on living the dream. Talk about 10am I started thinking of giving old Ronald a call and asking him for a delivery of a hot Big Mac to the top of HWY 84.
Then I ran into another old face that I haven't seen in like 5 years..."your not still racing are you?", uhhh yhea, kind of, just a little here and there I said.
This ride has had lots of stars and bars past present and future. Its an all day affair with a very classy group, everyone helps each other along, stops when there is a flat, waits on the top of the climbs.. I'm already looking forward to next week!

Dave good luck with getting the house, welcome to the hood!

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