Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tour of CA...

Once in a lifetime day.

Highlights included, meeting Nelson Vails in the starting gate, lots of friends coming out to cheer and my very own podium girl Tracey. Mick Hellman is such a class act! We both had a great ride!


Lorri Lee Lown -- velogirl said...

OMG! We were so excited when they announced you had won the "celebrity" TT!!!! I hooted out loud and all the spectators near me thought I was crazy.


Kevin said...

Good job Mike!

veloandvino said...

VG- I thought I heard a hoot, gracias.

Kev- I got lucky by a nano second.

Emily said...

Congratulations Michael!

I wish I could have been there to see the race.

veloandvino said...

em, you were to busy kicking butt at VOS!!! congrats!

Ron Castia said...

Glad to see someone who is the real deal went out for that and not just a bunch of JAMFs with more money than fitness.

They could have given you a moment on TV during the extremely long winded hour before they started the prologue coverage.
They managed to mention someone turned a 4:30, but no name. I am assuming it was you.

Rain racing this weekend? Nah, no thank you, not unless it involves mud and knobby tires.

veloandvino said...

Hey ron, come on out..

actually it was 4:20...I was wondering if I could get a 1 sec handicap for being a geezer.

Anonymous said...

we saw you come by on your tt bike as we headed to downtown PA...i was sure you were to win...congrats!

just a fan...:-)

veloandvino said...

chef-glad you were sure, t-ford and I thought I had a 50/50 shot.

thanks for the good fanning!!!

WarrenG said...

Mike, I hope the Cheetah didn't tell you how to win sprints. The idea of you with a sprint does not seem fair.

When we used to live back east, did you ever race with him? He was in a few cat 3 criteriums that I did. Toga, like Jerry Malone.

veloandvino said...

I raced with a few trackies back east, bill pedler, mike rounds, paul swift and I did some cat 3 stuff in harlem.. it was another world.