Saturday, December 29, 2007
5 Bavarian sausages & 5 turtle doves
Was a great ride today, lots of sausage, lots of laughs, lots of flats...
Friday, December 28, 2007
No rain please!!!
I'll be at Cafe Sienna at 8:30, rain may cancel the ride. Thinking about the same old route. Its a burner that get easier everytime.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Whoo ville. all is safe.
So Tracey says a few months ago she likes owls, well thanks to xmas we now have an owl box hanging up in our back yard. That was pretty interesting putting that bugger 15 ft off the ground. I even had the girl on the chainsaw which was a first and a last. I'm not sure who was more afraid. I must be getting older, not wiser, just older -because I was thinking that someone was going to get hurt. We both had a chuckle post owl box mounting, phew.
Then it was time for xmas dinner. Crab, crab and Champagne. yum
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Eureka treats.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I'm a cookie monster...

So I go and drop off a couple of jugs of vino to our neighbors to say Thanks for looking after the house....they give me a plate full of cookies...I think I ate the whole plate.
Its tough when your skinny, everyone wants you to eat, I eat plenty, I swear!
I just can't stop eating these things, sweet tasty cookies, all shapes, all sizes, all yummy! I had to leave the house today, just run, run away.
I just can't resist.
Lets ride! Cafe Sienna 8:30am Sat
After 10 days in Mexico, the legs are looking to catch up on the long rides. Thanks to K Curi and Reaney yesterday for helping me thru a tough patch up West Alpine. We did have Jane on the ride, she was riding 100 yards off the front all day and being She was annoying everyone, I mean why come out on a group ride??? I don't get it.
Wohlberg shows up in the biggest station wagon I've ever seen, bringing a homemade batch of eggnog and it was a nice way for everyone to have a toast. I wonder if thats what made me go so slow up West Alpine.
You always apprecate things more when your a bit uncomfortable, this time shall to pass in two weeks. Been here before, and I know what to do to get the body back in shape.
Any how....
Ride Sat am.
I'm going to stick to the normal route this week. I hope you can make it!
Kennedy, Uvas, Madonna, Corrolitos (Sin Sauasge), Eureka, LG via creek trail. ETA LG 1:30
Madonna should be great on Sat.
I"ll be easy to spot, I'll be in the Captn America duds. I'll spare you the skinsuit, but thats my favorite! Can someone have a TT please????
Wohlberg shows up in the biggest station wagon I've ever seen, bringing a homemade batch of eggnog and it was a nice way for everyone to have a toast. I wonder if thats what made me go so slow up West Alpine.
You always apprecate things more when your a bit uncomfortable, this time shall to pass in two weeks. Been here before, and I know what to do to get the body back in shape.
Any how....
Ride Sat am.
I'm going to stick to the normal route this week. I hope you can make it!
Kennedy, Uvas, Madonna, Corrolitos (Sin Sauasge), Eureka, LG via creek trail. ETA LG 1:30
Madonna should be great on Sat.
I"ll be easy to spot, I'll be in the Captn America duds. I'll spare you the skinsuit, but thats my favorite! Can someone have a TT please????
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Rain, Rain, Rain.
I like the sound of rain in the middle of the night hitting the roof.
Its OK to have some during the day too. It feeds the roots of the flowers that will be blooming in the spring.
It also keeps me in the Santas workshop rather then riding in the Santa Cruz mountians. But I may take a break and get dirty later today after all the gifts have been on the Fedex sleigh.
Its OK to have some during the day too. It feeds the roots of the flowers that will be blooming in the spring.
It also keeps me in the Santas workshop rather then riding in the Santa Cruz mountians. But I may take a break and get dirty later today after all the gifts have been on the Fedex sleigh.
Monday, December 17, 2007
USA Cycling---Masters Road Nationals???

Where are the Masters Nationals going to be for 2008??? Seems like they are splitting up the Old farts and the Jr's.
One more reason for me to focus on the Track this year.
I get to sleep in my own bed.
Don't have to travel to Shittsville USA for a week.
Years I remember
Somerset 2 years, I've had enough of that place.
Park City 2 years. OK courses, not tough and the fear of heights kept the field sizes down
Louisville, KY sucked.
Bakersville in August, who was the frickin rocket scientist that approved that one, sending masters in Aug to race in Death Valley. Charming....
Spokane, WA( Thats fine)
I've been doing this way to long.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
National champ ..Coats takes it.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Mexico esta muy bueno!
Ok after a bottle of champagne and three margaritas the first night I decided to taper..
The next night was only two.
The third night it was zero
Today has been two so far.
Warning, the margaritas down here are about 10x more potent.
We were in Punta Mita for the first few days, now we've been in Guadalajara just kicking back.
Not much for cycling, roads are pretty narrow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Spanish Vino....this is the dope!
So all of you by now know I do something in the wine industry. I know most of you buy wine...great!
Sometimes I spend days with wineries discussing vineyards, barrels, farming practices, etc. Other days I'm talking to retail and restaurants about Spain and how cool the wines are and why they should buy them...
Here is the kicker....
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Lunch break..
It was a three hour tour around the hills, mtns, wandering trails I've never seen before.
Then some punk throws a Pepsi cup full of soda at me. Got me good, I flipped it in hot pursuit, but I can only pursuit so fast on a Mtn bike. Then he runs two stop lights...
Is this the week for jackasses in cars????
Get me out o here!!!!!

I've sent out a bundle of emails, cleaned the office, finished a box of cheese crackers, been into the garage, did a ton of work and its not even 11:00. Working from home sometimes has its perks, on rainy days like this I start going a little crazy.
Maybe a ride into the woods on Stumpy will do the trick.
Monday, December 3, 2007
SJ TTT and Fred
So Tracey just made a artsy purchase from some tribe in South Africa. I'm getting used to Fred.
and dusted off the Transition this weekend and did a TTT with some super cool guys from the SJ cycling team. They have a winter series down here and it was really a fun event! The SJ Team has a ton of low key events for everyone, they just need a beer sponsor for the parking lot, I'd be at more of the events...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
One crazy day...
So I was getting ready and the phone rang. Phipps my teamate was running a bit late for the ride. I decided to drive to the ride with the bike. Thank god! I was riding and saw Tracey and a Mtn biker riding thru what we call "Death Valley" on Blossom Hill rd. We know its a little narrow there and just try to get thru it as quickly as possible in order to avoid cars.
I see Tracey and can tell something is wrong, she was waving like she was on the Titanic ...or like there was a crash or something. I rolled down the window and she said two guys almost pushed them off the road and over the gaurdrail. The passanger rolled down the window (38 degrees) and yelled and hung out the window to his waist and made a effort to push her and Mr Mtn biker off the road.
She told me what type of car (Toyota) and said it was only 6 cars or so ahead of us....well, I didn't think much, just went off in hot pursuit. Two of them and one of me.. I get out the iphone. Luckly they pulled up to a stop sign and I got out and went click! Took the picture of the liscense (wish I took one of the driver) he rolled down the window and I told him he was (f...ked).
Then he takes off, Tracey rolls up and no sooner do I see a Los Gatos police officer coming our way getting ready for some uneventful traffic detail at the xmas Los Gatos parade, Tracey waves him down.
He stopped and Tracey started giving the cop some info, I gave him the plate above of the what I'm assuming was driver of the car and her friend on the Mtn bike shows up...he is a San Jose, police Sargent and they start talking cop talk.
We head out for our ride, made a mistake and went up HWY 9, when we weren't playing dodge ball with cars with xmas trees, we were getting chilled to the bone in the part hail part rain that we never saw coming.
Sorry that we didn't stick to the route that was posted. Next time route requests will have to be made by thursday, once its posted on Friday, it will be in ink.
Thanks everyone for being flexiable and coming, it was just one wierd day. Glad its 1/2 over!
Friday, November 30, 2007

So I got to thinking the other day.
Is buying a plastic composter bin re-cycling?
How about Bio fuel? They are usually blowin smoke out that exhaust and I think you gotta plan your route for the long road trip accordingly.
If I put paper in the shreader, then I use it to get the fire started in the fireplace is that re-cycling?
If I use all the hair from my legs and made a rug for you that re-cycling?
If I sneak a piece of wood in the re-cycle bin every now and then, is that re-cycling?
If I save wine box shippers from being thrown in the trash, and shipping vino to my parents for the holidays is that re-cycling?
If I use a Velo Promo t-shirt to wipe my chain lube off the garage floor, is that re-cycling?
If I find a full gu on the side of the road and save it for a later date, is that re-cycling???
If I use a dead turkey neck for making stock for risotto and feeding it to non meat eaters, Is that re-cycling?
If I use the left over oak hardwood flooring to start a fire in the fireplace so when my girl comes home its warm and cozy like and I might get some, is that re-cycling?
If I open the oven and let the heat warm up the room after making lasagna, is that re-cycling?
I'm trying, really I am.
Eureka is open to bikes..
Sat Ride-8:30 am Cafe Sienna. We hooked into a few of the locals (Los Gatos Cycling Team), last week so there were about 8 that went the distance. There was one wearing a yellow jersey, he liked going fast. He will figure the group thing out.
oh yhea.
If you run out of gas in Corrolitos, stop and get one of those andouille sausages. That thing has been following me around all week. I wish I could blame it on Mr Fish.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Corrolitos challenge
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
T Day starts with a Mtn bike ride.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Toto, follow the yellow brick road
Man its sooo good to be home! After being in Tucson, Phx, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Denver, Vail, & Aspen I'm offically cooked, stick a fork in me I'm done! I did get a chance to ride the Break Away in Aspen into thin air.
I've got a couple of weeks to ride, send emails, go to the gym, etc.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving in our kitchen, Tracey did an awesome job picking out everything from the cabinets, floor, paint, countertops, faucet, etc.. glad its almost done and the writing of check$$$$ is over.
I'm going to miss my family and my little niece who calls Thanksgiving "the Feast"
We're going to have some two wheeled friends over for a Feast to remember. Can't wait!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Los Gatos- Cafe Sienna Sat 8:30 am group ride
I'm looking forward to this weekend, got a friend in from New Hampshire making the ride. Cool. Tracey sent out an invite to some gals too, double cool. Hope some show up.
This weekend we'll do the same as on the first week. Los Gatos, Kenedy, Camden, Trinadad, Uvas/McKean to Watsonville.
Then the shorter version (55 miles round trip from LG) goes left. The longer version (75+) goes up Madona and either back 152 via Poleline or the studs go the distance to Corolitos and back up Eureka to Summit, then down Old SJ to Los Gatos.
Ciao from Vail.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Kangaroo cookie jar!!!!!

Anon said some boohhooo kangaroo got busted for taking a drug that makes you say no to the krispy creams, yes to the masking agents, whatever, he's been under my suspicion for years.
Anon squeaks out a warm burst of air that is silent but deadly..."
I really think you all are over reacting.
He is a good guy and I am surprised you are all not defending him, I know that his team mates all have used the same hunger knocker as he did, and you all kiss up to their ass when you talk to them." Anon
Thats of Healthnet goes clear, while only the leader gets popped...didn't O somebody get busted already?
More testing please...
Thats just fucking bullshit!
Kiss my ass anon.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
One more week,
I've been having some fun selling vino in Sedona and then went to the Grand Canyon.
Was bummed to miss the Los Gatos ride, Tracey said a few came to ride.
Sorry I missed it, it will be cool to get this ride going.
See you Sat!
I think I'll be riding in Denver, Aspen and Vail this week. That is if the Break Away is working.
Hear there is rain in the North Bay....could be some fun on the Mt Bike on sunday.
Was bummed to miss the Los Gatos ride, Tracey said a few came to ride.
Sorry I missed it, it will be cool to get this ride going.
See you Sat!
I think I'll be riding in Denver, Aspen and Vail this week. That is if the Break Away is working.
Hear there is rain in the North Bay....could be some fun on the Mt Bike on sunday.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Three little pigs, tarantulas, and a angel fish.
This week has been an animal adventure.
When we were riding yesterday we saw three little pigs that got clobbered by some driver on Uvas, I felt bad they were on the smaller side - mama pig and papa pig must have been a little quicker. I didn't stop to take a picture, earlier in the week I bought a angel fish and a fish tank for Tracey, she was under whelmed..oops, and now these tarantulas are crossing the road maybe if I wasn't so scared of snakes and spiders I'd bring one of them home.
Still wrapping up the house, who knew that a one inch difference with a sink could put this job site on hold for 6 weeks...anyhow, should be done in a couple of weeks, I mean really done. And this is a picture of a very expensive waterfall...
We also painted the Casa, gave it a fresh coat in one day.
All this work = I get to play on my bike for as much as I want in a couple of weeks, and Reany gets the month of Dec to screw off too. We will be doing some long distance rides for sure.
The first of the Los Gatos weekly rides was a sucess,we had a great ride yesterday PROMAN, San Jose, AMD, BPG, Strawberries, and of course a few national and world record holding Morgan Spinely's went for a great ride. No big throw downs, just chatting it was very very cool.
Then Tracey and I went on a romantic romp to Performance bike....I go about twice per year for cables, tubes, etc. Well.........
la de dahhh, we went looking for some bullhorns and found, much to my gleee on the closeout table some fancy new star spangled cinelli bar tape for sale...who knew...I was so excited and a bit embarrsed at the same time. I was pondering if it was "politically correct "...not so masculine?
Screw it! I'll buy them all. (only two) for $3.00 each what a deal, one for the TT rig and the other for the new SL2. It should match the newMS/TS Capt. America kit that I'll wear out until I give it another go at Masters Nationals in July in KY, get out a tube of lube.
Then I hear that there will be a chance that Masters Nationals may be here in San Jose....shit, HELLYES!!!!! To be able to race Nationals and stay in my own bed, I must be dreaming????
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Off road fun
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My first quake
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Los Gatos ride...every Sat at 8:30am Cafe Siena
To all,
After living here in the South bay for a couple of years, I wanted to
start a low key, winter ride for Los Gatos every Saturday from Café Sienna
downtown Los Gatos every Saturday for 3-4 hrs.
I have a few rules, obey all traffic laws, no flipping off cars, no slug
fests on the ride.
Sat 8:30 am sharp starting this Sat, weather permitting.
See you then!
Spread the word.
After living here in the South bay for a couple of years, I wanted to
start a low key, winter ride for Los Gatos every Saturday from Café Sienna
downtown Los Gatos every Saturday for 3-4 hrs.
I have a few rules, obey all traffic laws, no flipping off cars, no slug
fests on the ride.
Sat 8:30 am sharp starting this Sat, weather permitting.
See you then!
Spread the word.
Had plans of getting scary and partying like a devil. Tracey is just happy that she didn't have to get a costume and we decided to stay in last night. We did make it to the 10's.
I'm not sure this is what Spain was thinking, but I can think of just about any reason to drink some vino.
Happy almost Halloween!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
zero on the motivation scale
Today I've been putting off my list of things to do...not to motivated to mow the lawn, empty the fridge in the garage, bring in the garbage cans, prime the outside of the house where the paint is chipping, get a rental car and hotel for san diego trip...tomorrow; instead, I play with the blog, think of what type of pizza I'll make tonight, count how many races I did this year (who cares?) hope that the roof don't leak too much on our new floors...blah, blah,
Hope Mick gets a world champ jersey at Track worlds..
Hope Mick gets a world champ jersey at Track worlds..
Friday, October 12, 2007
Bring on the rain...I'll play with our new Wolf
We are so close to being done with the re-do..there have been alot of re-don'ts along the way too. But its looking better then I expected, we went for I'm a cork dork for the floors and they are really cool, not sure if they are reto or modern. Funny after doing all this stuff, I'm wondering what I'm going to do with all my free time. Maybe I'll start cooking this up and try to figure it out along the way.
For wine I like the Ribera del Duero from Vizcarra. Its made with Tempranillo (means early to ripen) the winemaker Juan Carlos Vizcarra has a gift for making soft & elegant wines with a touch of oak and vanilla. The spice should be just enough.
Juan Mari's Basque Red Bean Stew by Penelope Casas from La Cocina de Mama
Juan Mari Arzak is indeed a Michelin legend & his restaurant outside of San Sebastian is in the same tavern that his grandparents built in 1897. This dish is from Juan Mari's mother, an exceptional cook in her own right, & it is a Basque classic. Pre-cooking the sausage greatly reduces the fat content which makes this a hearty healthy dish for fall evenings. I suggest using Spanish Tolosana beans, & picking up some guindillas which are like a skinny version of peperoncini.
1 lb dried deep red beans
Kosher or sea salt
4 Tbs olive oil
1 medium onion, cut in half
1/4 lb sweet semicured cooking chorizo
1/4 lb black sausage with onion (morcilla)
1/4 lb salt pork
2 medium green bell peppers, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
Guindillas vascas (Basque hot peppers)
Soak the beans overnight in cold water to cover. Drain, then combine in a stew pot with 6 cups water, salt to taste, 2 Tbs of the oil, & half of the onion. Bring to a boil, cover, & simmer until the beans are tender, about 2 hours.
Meanwhile, prick the chorizo & black sausage with a fork & place in a skillet with the salt pork. Cover with water & simmer for 20 minutes. Cut the sausages into 1-inch chunks & reserve.
Finely chop the remaining onion half. In a skillet, heat the remaining 2 Tbs oil & slowly saute the green peppers, onion, & garlic for 10 minutes. Cover & continue cooking slowly for another 15 minutes.
Add the sausages, salt pork, & the onion mixture to the beans, taste for salt, & serve accompanied by Basque hot peppers, if possible.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Calistoga and back
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Fall on Hwy 1
After a two week blitz of selling mucho vino, I decided to take a mental health break and ride until I didn't want to ride anymore.
This weekend was one of riding, just riding, taking pictures and having no bad ideas, stress or worries. Just ride, around each corner there was another reason to take a picture, stop, or eat a cookie.
I did a ride with a really nice group of folks, some familiar, some new to me. We rode from Carmel to King city and back again along the coast on the way down for 85 miles then 20 inland. Topped off for 110 miles for the Saturday and 75 on Sunday..bliss. The ocean was a turquoise blue, seals were swimming and sea lions barking.
Man I thought about east vs. west. I used to really like this time of year back east with the leaves and all, but there is no way to compare this to New England.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
King kong attacks canadian in half moon bay
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Back to reality
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Flush once...easy on the eyes
Sunday, September 16, 2007
2008 calendar pic...warning! Do chicks really look at the goggles?
So Tracey and I did a bunch o priming and painting this weekend in the soon to be kitchen. Then for a little comic relief we took some pics for the family 2008 calendar. Seems like there have been a few posts as of late with reference to speedo's, so we busted out my suit and painted all day:)
Where is the 6 pack???? F-it, give me a burger and fries:)
Then after feeling a bit left out from the chicks measuring contest, we had a tape measure close by and did a quick measure. These get n away sticks work for me, but they aren't pretty.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Insert these here...dream kitchen #1
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Fashion do or don't...but he's fast
Sedona just another day of blabbing about vino
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